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Wouldn't it be cool if the fire startet to spread?

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Just imagine - you have a big wheat field infront of you - you know that a company is in that field - take a flamethrower and put one field up in flames

now every once in a while (maybe 1 min for a wheat field) all surrounding wheat fields will catch fire.


wheat field - 1 min

forest - 3 min

scattered trees - 5 min (trees are farther apart - should obviously take longer)

with such a spreading system you could have alot more tactics - for example you could get a very good smoke screen that would last a very long time. or you could, as defender, block certain passages that way.

But of course - these burning fields should also extingwish after a certain time - afterall -if it would stay their forever the other player would be at a major disadvantage!

a wheatfield could stop burning maybe after 2 min

a forst -after 5 perhaps

Just some "awesome" ideas i had wink.gif

btw.. dont mind my numerous spelling errors - my native language is german(austrian) and its kinda late wink.gif

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