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Why is this awsome game not in stores ?

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Guest Seimerst


With over 6000 topics covered in the archives, a "search" will get your question answered. But if you go BattleFront's home page and check out there "manifesto" you will discover that the reason this game is so awesome is that it is nearly 100% in-house development-- but in order to make it the next generation 3-D tactical simulation, they have had to invest far more time and effort than the standard "gaming" business model will allow. Far too much of every dollar in a game available on a store shelf is spent on advertising and distribution and not on game design, AI, QA, etc. This ain't your brother's Deer Hunter XIV bought at Walmart. So... pass the word around, get your friends to order what should be the WarGame of the Year, if not the Game of the Year.

Oy yes.. welcome to a great forum.. there are some real experts here willing to help you as much as they can.

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