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I wonder if Curt Schilling of the phillies has his copy Co

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I know Kurt Schilling the Philles pitcher is a big wargame player . I saw him on a forum like this thanking Gary Grisby for designing Steel Panthers and telling him he had left tickets at the Stadium .He also bought the rights for Asl from Avalon Hill .

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Actually, He (Kurt) didn't buy the rights for ASL. He tried several times, but was shot down. He DID, however help with the continuation of the ASL series of games (and most AH wargames for that matter), when AH was bought out by Hasbro. He is a current developer of ASL and works with (for?) MMP (Multi-Man Publishing). He's published quite a few ASL scenarios, and did a lot of historical research for the newest ASL modules (Doomed Battalions, Blood Reef: Tarawa, A Bridge too Far). I've met him a few times at tourneys, and he seems like a pretty easy-going guy.

El Jeffe


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