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boy am I glad I quit my job

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Hello all

I finally got my copy in the mail today and am currently modding up...Wow does this game Rock! it's like my Airfix 1/72nds from my childhood have finally come to life, with real combat modeling to boot! Well just a note to thank you guys for answering my questions while I had the demo, you are the best

All the Best



look at him dead, me crippled and you lost, funny about war

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I can see it all now.

Wall Street Journal, November 7, 2000, PRESIDENT ELECT SNORT TO TAKE OFFICE AMID RISING UNEMPLOYMENT CRISIS (Harold I. M. Gunapoopski. New York).

It was announced today by Labor Secretary Snorkas Grunt, that the unemployment rate has suddenly and dramatically taken a sharp rise in recent weeks. While many have blamed this crisis on the upstart gaming software company, BTS and it's release of CM, those accusations have yet to be verified.

Secretary Grunt has requested that the issue be studied by the National Institutes of Health, to determine if the wildly popular computer game contains subliminal messages designed to control players minds, or potentially results in a coincedental stimulas to the pleasure sensing brain nodes. Executives of BTS could not be reached for comment, however players interviewed stated that this was simply a preposterous rumor circulated by CM competitors.

"It's clear to me", stated one player that asked to remain anonymous, "that CM is simply more fun than going to work". AFL-CIO Chief, Jack U. Upp, stated; "we are working closely with Secretary Grunt, and we promise to get to the bottom of this phenomenon that appears to be eroding our National workforce. smile.gif


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno Weiss

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