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New update on My CMMC

Guest Rob/1

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Well here is the format wich it will be played. I will send orders and the scenario to my company HQS they will email each other and set up a plain of attack based on the orders I gave them then they will send it to the platoon HQs they will then give orders to the platoons under there command.The allied players will do the same thing.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ


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Note All campaign player I decied to wait till TCP/IP comes out soon I hope but if not we will use the format above. I looked at the sugeton and yes BHQ will be the go posher. As they are in charge of there team. I so some qestions like did I make the map. NO! I had some one make it. NO names so you cant go and ask them what it is like. I did give him what to say in the intro brefing but that is all.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ


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good Rob.

I thought of suggesting getting someone to make the map for you and place units etc.

I think we should go with email, it's the only way to do it.

Bhq to Chq to Phq could be complex. But as long as the Bhq is general and the comands get more specific as they go down the line it should be really interesting

like a game of chinese whispers.

how about getting hte map maker to place units and name them after the players!


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Peter do you have ICQ we sould have a chat ethere that or we could chat on my chat room you can get there from my Robs CMMC chat bord.There is a link to it in my profile


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ


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