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Just Curious:Macintosh Beta startup

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When I start up the beta on my iMac, it goes to the main screen but when you select senarios it "unexpectedly quits" However, re-launch CM it with out restarting or shutting down and CM loads perfectly and you can continue play with no problems. What's going on. It's not a deadly problem, only a slight annoyance. Something w/ sprokets, quicktime or what? confused.gif

I did an archive search and didn't come across any answers, so if anyone has info on this, is it a bug or something about my configuration.


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Try redownloadin' the Game Sprockets. That might do the trick. I wouldn't think it had anything to do with QT.

Also if you have a fast connection try redownloadin' the demo. The scenarios or something might be corrupt. If you have 56k or slower send me an email and I'll mail you the scenarios.


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