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Success rates, options etc


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I know that this has been discussed before, but I can't find that particular thread at the moment...

In that other thread discussing (IIRC) the Gallagher scenarios, someone said roughly that he considered "anything over 25% losses as a failure".

I've only recently recieved my full (paid-for) copy of TacOps so the only Gallagher variant I have any real experience with is number 6 (which comes with the demo), but I have played around a fair bit with the OPFOR arrival times, extra units etc.

So far, the best I've done in that scenario *without using any optional units* and using the factory game settings (all OPFOR tanks have IR sights and smoke doesn't block IR) is a US attrition of about 35% by the time the OPFOR has lost enough vehicles to lose the game.

However, if I allow smoke to block IR (or remove the IR sights from the OPFOR) my US attrition drops to around 25%; if I use all the various optional units my losses drop by a similar amount as well. Using both IR-blocking smoke (or no OPFOR IR sights) *and* all US optional units makes the battle pretty much a walk-over... not that I'm surprised by this result, considering how much the force point ratios change when you add the optional units!

My question (mainly directed to whoever it was posted the 25% attrition value - could've been MinMax?) is: what game settings and optional units do you use, and what game settings?

Similarly in Team Cahoon - what loss rates are "normal" with the various game settings? If I don't give the OPFOR IR sights I can clear the objective without losing more than a couple of Bradleys at most (by using more smoke than any other arty ammo type); giving OPFOR IR sights but using IR-blocking smoke makes it a little harder since my units can't see through the smoke either, and using the factory settings (OPFOR has IR sights and smoke *doesn't* block it) makes it quite bloody indeed. What are your experiences with this scenario, and what settings do you use?

Kind regards,


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It wasn't me I don't think that talked about 25% attrition.

As far as Cahoon and other scenarios I make it as tough on myself as possible. I give my opponent every advantage relating to thermal Sights and Smoke and such.

To keep attrition down I do a ton of shoot and scoot. Use the fire and reverse 200 meters in the SOP. for grunts and SMAW teams I bring their engagement range down to 300 meters. My best tactic has been put ATGM teams in hummers and shoot and scoot. DO NOT STICK around for a second shot. Load up and run. Another idea is don't put anti-armor ambushes on the leading edge of a terrain feature. Shoot from the oblique/Defilade (problably murdered the spelling) Also put ATGM teams or vehicles forward and hide until Red self propelled mortars/artie make the scene and hammer them. It seems to freak out the manuever units to know that a fox is in the henhouse.

Well there are others who are tons smarter and more succesful. Hopefully, they will share some insights that can help me and you.

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The 25% figure was from me. I seem to remember that from a fire planning class at Fort Knox as a level at which casualties will disrupt a small unit enough to make it stop and reorganize. At any rate it gives me a yard-stick by which to measure my efforts.

As to settings, it depends on whether I want to play a game or simulate a tactical situation. I a game mood I load the "good guys" up with everything. For a sim I try to match equipment levels and tactics as closely to the real world as I can without classified access. For example, thermal fire contols are still not common outside of NATO, $$$. Passive night vision systems are more common but not as effective. Older types of artillery smoke were not effective against thermal sights while some newer ($$$) types are. US vehicle smoke grenades (Rubberized Red Phosphorus) will interfere with thermal sights. So taken all together I usuall select "Vehicle smoke blocks thermal sights" and "No OPFOR OOB" and leave the rest of the options off. I also tend to give the OPFOR more of its optional units than I do the Blue side. That helps to make up for the AI's lower IQ (no offense MajorH). I also play most of the ancillary equipment in a US force (Command, supply, medical, and recovery vehicles) which gives me more things to juggle without much more firepower and makes the game more challenging.

As far as the Gallager scenarios go, a battalion task force (the US Army J-series TOE more or less) was designed to defeat an attacking Warsaw Pact regiment. So you should be able to meet the specified victory conditions but the interesting question becomes, "how much are you willing to pay for it Commander?" ;)

Gary Chilcote

See you at Fiddler's Green

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