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After getting a friend of mine to purchase Tacops we have been trying to get an email game going. I must be thickheaded cause I just can't seem to get it right! I read somewhere about an detailed step by step guide that the Major had written, but I cannot find it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Also I'm starting to get a complex over Team Krempp. Has anyone beat this darn thing without adding extra units or arty? Just curious.

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Start the TacOps program in the usual way. When the Startup Window appears, select the Two Players Play-By-Mail item and also select whether you will command the Blue or the Red forces. Finally, select the appropriate item for playing either a standard scenario or a saved game. Click the OK button.

Setup your units in the usual way.

When you have finished giving orders to your units, select the File/PBM Send Orders menu item to save a special orders file to disk. A blue orders file will end with ".bmo" (Blue Mail Orders). A red orders file will end with ".rmo" (Red Mail Orders).

Exit or switch out of TacOps.

Zip/compress the orders file that you just saved. Then use an email program to attach it to a piece of email and to send it to your opponent.

It is important to always zip orders files to prevent unusual Internet errors from damaging them. Also some email programs attempt to open and display attachments as text which screws up the orders - zipping will prevent this also.

When you receive your opponent's orders file use the File/PBM Receive Orders menu item to load your opponent's orders into the TacOps program.

Execute the Combat Phase then repeat the orders phase, save orders, save game, orders exchange, and combat phase cycle until game completion.

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: MajorH ]

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: MajorH ]

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About Team Krempp:

Check out the post "Team Krempp" on 3-13-2000.

I haven't beaten Team Krempp without some added extras. I got so frustrated that one time I added 5 shots of MLRS. After softening up the hill with five rocket salvos, my infantry practically walked right in! smile.gif

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: Carter ]

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My thoughts exactly! I kicked the infantry up to a company with extra mortars and resulted in a higher body count. After asking a cousin who was in the 82nd he said I was using the right infantry tactics but I needed some arty support.

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I tried using the mortar carrier to occupy the Red team (via suppression) while the rest of my team moved slowly up the hill. The beauty of this scenario is that all the infantry units have LAAW rockets. This is how you can eliminate those RedFor BRDM's. :D

Team Knop, the Canadian version, seems easier to me because the game provides a motorized team. Once you start suppressing the OpFor with the mortar fire, you need to get up that hill (Objective A) as quickly as possible to flush out the enemy. QED

In Team Krempp, have you tried loading some infANTRY OR ATGM's into the Bison carrier? Once I got the bad guys suppressed, the rest of the game is one of creeping up the hill and finishing them off. This one is a blood bath, I think but it was easier for me to do like this. tongue.gif

I hope this helps a little.

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: SeaRich ]

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: SeaRich ]

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