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Whoooo whoooo, clapclapclapclapclapclap. Ta da deeda da deeda da, whirrrrrrrrrrkabooom!

Ahem, cough, sniff. Four games and seven versions ago, our forefathers brought upon the internet...ah, hmm, I seem to have lost my ah, notes, er ah, well, I certainly wish the best to these good folks. Thanks to the both of them for the wonderful service they have been providing us all with a fantastic web site. It just goes to show you that, well, ah, gee I'm not sure what it actually shows you, but anyway good luck guys, and congrats.

Now, since your both bringing in a steady income now, WHEN'S THE PARTY?



"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

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