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wheat fire and injured options

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1) I noticed that sometimes the wheat in the wheatfields gets caught on fire for one reason or another, just it doesn't spread. Woudln't it make sense for the entire field to eventually go into flames instead of a small section continuasly burning?

2) Woudln't it be neat to have a medic and a drag option? It could work like this:

A unit is hit but he isn't dead. He just lys on the ground moping around. Another unit goes over and drags/picks him up and takes him to a medic. The medic then fixes him up and keeps him alive. This could get you some points for saving units.

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Guest Madmatt

Spreading fires was something we wanted to add but just didnt make it in.

Medics and aiding the wounded are too narrow in focus for the intent and scale of the game.


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