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<TITLE>Subj: Fionn emails</TITLE>



<BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080">

Ahhhh...Fionn. Even YOU have out done yourself this time. The last post I made was in jest. I thought it was pretty obvious, especially with the 6-7 little smileies...</P>

As for the 'emails' you speak of... smile.gif </P>

OF COURSE YOU HAVE COPIES! What do you think I am a complete idiot? Look at the source and use a little common sence in the matter BEFORE you go off AGAIN in public!</P>

My only question is whether your last pitiful post was do to the fact you received only selected portions of the emails or if you are just bending the truth. I suspect you did not in fact receive the entire exchange of emails...so I include them below. Judge for youself, were my responces to a REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE out of line? I think not. Eventhough Mr. "X" has seen fit to distribute my private emails...I will still 'black-out' his name. (FWIW I was never convinced he was serious, I thought he was and still is a real joker!)</P>





Subj: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 7:33:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time</P>

From: XXXXXX</P>

To: UsClintons</P>


How do I get this fu**ing Fionn to stop emailing me. I am not kidding, he is</P>

like half a stalker?</P>

Insult my intelligence all he wants with his secret documents crap but leave</P>

me alone already, jeesh.</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 9:40:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time</P>

From: UsClintons</P>



Are you serious?</P>

Sorry, if you are...</P>

I would suggest perhaps that you state flatly you will not respond to any</P>

more of his emails (assuming you have been responding). THEN DON'T RESPOND. </P>

He will tire after a few...as he did with me.</P>

Try blocking his address (but he has like 4 or 5 I think).</P>

Post this same message to a few forums he frequents in order to shame him to</P>

relenting. He holds his 'postion of respect' in very high regard. Threaten</P>

this with postings about his true behavior and PERHAPS he will relent, BUT</P>

this might back-fire also...</P>

If you are just joking...thanks I needed a laugh! ;)</P>

Let me know how it turns out,</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:32:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time</P>


To: UsClintons</P>


Maybe I will just ignore him. He keeps raving about "getting nothing from</P>

him if Im rude but I just tell him to screw off and he continues".</P>

Ive been to ASL conventions and such and wargaming definetly attracts a</P>

fringe element. Kind of why I like computers.</P>

Thanks for the advice.</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 1:39:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time</P>

From: UsClintons</P>


In a message dated 05/11/2000 9:32:34 PM Central Daylight Time, XXXXXXX</P>


> Maybe I will just ignore him.</P>

Yeah, if you have been exchanging emails just tell him it is getting nowhere</P>

and he should not expect anymore from you.</P>

> He keeps raving about "getting nothing from him if Im rude</P>

> but I just tell him to screw off and he continues". </P>

Funny thing is (I don't know about you) but not only did I never ask him for</P>

any of his precious 'research'...I really don't want it. Really, I have</P>

enough of my own and others that has been posted. </P>

It was just a matter of principle for me. It looked very hypocritical then,</P>

and it still does. But as for me actually getting 'his' data...don't want</P>


I don't know if the 'principle' of the matter is beyond him, or if he is</P>

just so hung-up on his ego and his precious research that he thinks everyone</P>

wants it. Beats me, 'cause I have tried to explain it to him several times.</P>

But I don't care, as long as he leaves me alone.</P>

Good Luck,</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 1:45:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time</P>


To: UsClintons</P>

He writes me and says that he has explained himself in the 'Annexe'. I have</P>

no clue what hes talking about and tell him if its good viable **** put it in</P>

the Battlefront forum!!!</P>

I am WELL read on tank warfare. I have never read of ONE instance of that</P>

NAV weapon being used from a german tank. For it to get the UberFionn nod</P>

and other things shot down is laughable. The guy behaves like hlaf a nut in</P>

the forum and a psycho in email. Whats BTS paying him? Nothing.. Whats he</P>

worth? I dunno.. not much more.</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 1:54:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time</P>

From: UsClintons</P>


> He writes me and says that he has explained himself in the 'Annexe'. </P>

I have never heard the term "Annexe" before...don't know what it means.</P>

> The guy behaves like hlaf a nut in the forum and a psycho in email.</P>

Myself and several others that have know him on the web for 2-3 years have</P>

noticed...he has changed a lot in the last 6-9 months. No one is sure why.</P>

> Whats BTS paying him?</P>

??? Huh ????</P>

I though EVERYONE knew. He is an UNPAID beta tester for CM, thats it. His</P>

'role' at The Gamers Net is also an unpaid/volunteer post.</P>

If Steve bounces other questions off of him I would not be too surprised (he</P>

really does have quite a bit of knowledge), but he gets no $$. I think he</P>

gets a free copy of CM when its all over though.</P>

Let it go man. You got nothing to gain.</P>



Subj: Re: Fionn emails</P>

Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 2:01:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time</P>


To: UsClintons</P>

I guess he means CM annex whatever that is. Maybe he speaks german or</P>

something. He has quantities of seldom read front line german reports.</P>

Anyway, Its wierd. He wants to explain his pro-homosexual stance because I</P>

made a besmirching attitude. He claims others are plotting against him. I</P>

think BTS might feel like some of us that he is getting to be a loose</P>







Now, for God's sake Fionn liten up and back off. This is a public forum and you don't own it. Your ego must be HUGE indeed to think anyone would care enough about you to frequent this forum just becuase you are present.</P>

Like I told Mr. "X": "Let it go man. You got nothing to gain."</P></BODY>



Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 05-18-2000).]

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It's amazing how you say "Let it go. You've got nothing to gain" and the whole post is you NOT letting it go.

Steve please close up this thread. Hell, deleting it would be better.This is bad for business. A lot of people see Fionn as a semi-official voice of BTS so this is only hurting you.

NO ONE here has anything to gain by this argument (or whatever you want to call it).

Just my cheap Canadian $0.03


"I thought I was an egomaniac. In fact, so much so that I wish there was a way to double capitalize the letter "I", I always feel slighted that I can't emphasise that word more..."

Madmatt 5-13-2000

My website!

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Jesus Scott,

If you can't see what's wrong with inciting Lewis with your helpful "advice" then you have major problems.

Just so the record is quite clear..

Here is my email to Lewis.. i was gonna post it to the forum but the thread was closed so emailed him with it..


One minor correction.. People who are rude get nothing...

Anyone who was on the chat at the Annexe last night got a full explanation of the documentary trail of the nahverteidigungswaffe search and got a fairly detailed explanation of the various levels of evidence in the various documents and how German vehicular anti-personnel and vehicular smoke dischargers developed throughout the war and where the nahverteidigungswaffe fit into that picture.

There were at least a dozen guys there whom I led through most of the steps and they were all quite satisfied with the conclusion arrived at (although it should be noted that several of them had initially been against modelling of nahvs before I explained the data to them).

See my new sig on the forum for a fuller explanation..."

His FULL reply follows:

"Look, I dont know what the 'Annexe' is or means. You are vague. You dont

express yourself very well. You have a knack for getting away from whatever

you discuss.

If you can't explain your reasoning on equipment matters in the Battlefront

forum then certainly don't email me with this garbage about some other forum.

I don't know what you are talking about and am going to be clear on one


I don't give a **** about your sig. I don't care for your insight into

WWII. I wouldnt want you associated with anything I care about. I think you

are some kind of wuss with the 'Homos are people too' posts.

So I put my email address into my profile. You felt the urge to email me. I

am telling you it aint needed. Drop it. You emailed me and I emailed back

that I want nothing to do with you. No more email. No ****ing discussions

and certainly no email games.

**** off you irish donkey.


My FULL reply to this follows:

"> Look, I dont know what the 'Annexe' is or means. You are vague. You dont

> express yourself very well. You have a knack for getting away from


> you discuss.

Annexe is quite simply the accepted term for the "Combat Mission Annexe"

which is a section of CMHQ.

> If you can't explain your reasoning on equipment matters in the


> forum then certainly don't email me with this garbage about some other


> I don't know what you are talking about and am going to be clear on one

> thing.

I TRIED to post this to the BF.C forum but the thread I was posting to was


> I don't give a **** about your sig. I don't care for your insight into

> WWII. I wouldnt want you associated with anything I care about. I think


> are some kind of wuss with the 'Homos are people too' posts.

Oh, so you're a gay-basher too are you?

> So I put my email address into my profile. You felt the urge to email me.


> am telling you it aint needed. Drop it. You emailed me and I emailed


> that I want nothing to do with you. No more email. No ****ing


> and certainly no email games.

Ok, that's certainly clear.

> **** off you irish donkey.

As is that.

> Lewis"

In totalt I have exchanged two emails with Lewis in my entire life. These are those two emails. Me stalking him and behvaing irrationally ??? I don't think so.

THEN I got the email which I quoted in part in which you "helpfully" told this racist and homophobe how to "get me" on other fora etc. Also, I did NOT get those emails in which you advised him from you. I got them from Lewis who cc'ed them to me.

IF you can't see what's wrong with that then I truly pity you.

On the other hand, if you're comfortable being associated with someone who is as free with racist and homophobic abuse as Lewis is AND feel free to "advise" him on how best to humiliate me in public then I think that says a LOT about your character Scott.

[This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 05-18-2000).]

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As for my ego..

That has nothing to do with it.. I'm just SICK of being stalked by guys like you and Lewis who act all innocent on the forum and then email me with abuse in private. I'm also sick of the fact that the two of you egg eachother on AND I'm sick of the fact that you play to "the crowds" as it were.

It is ABSOLUTELY clear from your emails that you intentionally play to the crowds with your "wounded innocent" act and you're inciting Lewis to do the same.

I'm not interested in scoring points but I AM interested in stopping you and homopohobe racist Lusername from acting like assholes in private and wounded angels in public.

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Would that it were so simple. Unfortunately my private life has been involved in this by Lewis and Scott too much for me to let it go.

Someday, when you're older, you might understand. I'm not expecting everyone to understand my motives but simply put I take great offence to finding someone acting two-faced. If someone publicly acts like a wounded innocent but privately gives everyone advice on how to annoy me etc I don't see why I should sit idly by.

If you can't understand why I don't feel like being a target anymore then I'm sure I can't explain it in such a way as to make you understand. Simply put I've had enough of the private abuse and public sniping from these guys.

Anyways, where's that turn Colin?

Ps. Whether or not you and others see me as the semi-official voice of BTS is really immaterial. What matters is that NO-ONE should have to go through this ****. CM just totally isn't worth it to me.

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Guest Big Time Software

If it were in my power to do so, I would stick both Fionn and Scott into a locked room with various blunt objects lying about. If both managed to survive, then perhaps they BOTH might let things go.

I have never seen two people so intent on having the last word and final jab.

So for the last time. Drop it. I am serious. Both of you will be banned if you go at it again since NEITHER of you are capable of resisting to fight each other. There has been more crap slung between the two of you, over a longer period of time, than between anybody else in the last year and a half. I know I am sick and tire of this, and the emails and posts I see confirm that it isn't just me.

You both have a lot of valuable things to contribute here (unlike some other problem cases), so it would be a great loss to see you tossed out for such a stupid feud as this. But I have had it. Final warning.


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