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Open message from a long term lurker, just had to speak out about a threat, e.g., What do German's think at WWII now.

Let me say that I surf here and can't wait for my copy of the game to arrive. I think your website is a great place to learn and share ideas about WWII, gaming and read posts. I just want to comment on the closed thread. Please reconsider your harsh words and just state "This thread is closed". New topics, please?


Dupont did in fact sell powder to both sides. Go ahead and write a letter to them and ask them about their powder shipments early in WWI. (Hell, we sold 155mm rounds to both Iran and Iraq in the 80s through a Third Country Military Sales Program, licensed with the approval of the American Govt - I know because I was in the negotiations between the US Govt, US Mil and our partner producing it and shipping it to its final destination! That ain't all all we sold both sides in that conflict.)

Most European Nations were "Empire" powers prior to WWI. The pride of a Nation was its empire, its great cities, and the fact that European nations were of one people or a few groups of peoples with common ancestry/experience.

The V. Treaty was the basis for much of the emotional rise of the Third Reich's military machine. The German's lost their empire as concessions, they lost Austria, a part went to Poland... They had to pay monies for the war. It took two nearly years for the arrogant French to finally settle with both the other Allies and Germany after WWI on the penalty. France and England maintained a political-economic hold over Germany after WWI much as America had a political-military-economic dominance after WWII for 30 years.

As an American in today's world, American's do not appreciate what it is to be of a "Nationality/Nation with a single blood line", hence the Germanic peoples, the French, the British. American's are a mix from all nations, not binded by similar cultural and racial ties from a single common source. In the World of today, even in Europe this distinction is less than ever before, as immigration policy lessens the hold of the once dominate peoples who historically inhabited each country. It is difficult in PC America today to get the "Nightly News" as facts rather than being told what to think by an opinionated reporter. It is also difficult to get a decent education in the Arts at our "liberal" colleges, you might try Hillsdale College if you want the straight and skinny.

Revisionist history is not in evidence in Mr. Thomas' post. It is simply a look into the "People of that time", the "economics of that time", and the passions which could be aroused in those times. Revisionist history is much in evidence in American today. Washington and Jefferson are denigrated by PC agendas focusing on the fact that they owned slaves which was legal at "that time". Guys like M.Luther King never get any press on their statements that they will and did advocate violence to state their message in the future (at that time).

Yea, you are right about one thing (And I mean no disrespect). If you were to go to Japan today and read what their public schools write about WWII you'd puke and probably write a letter to their Government demanding some truth (They have a pair of paragraphs which make it so harmonious). With what you learned in your experience and the lack of focus American education provides, you have never looked at the Military-Political-Economic inter-relationships coupled with the emotional element of a people - something written during that time. Our fatal error today is that someone always tells us what they think and oftentimes I myself will take for granted that you see the whole picture and I forget you don't know what I know. So the history is not complete. Facts are lost or just plain glossed over.

My intension is not to demean you or your fine game and Bulletin Board. The lively discussion here is excellent and I surf here. The fact that you became intolerant of another's view point, knowing that you are totally rational on every subject to this point, makes me wonder about myself and if I would someday become so focused in today's PC that I too would slam the door on views different from my own. You must try to understand what you don't know and learn to grow from the interaction and experience of each person who passes through your life - thus you are enriched.

I always tell my kids this: Do you hate anyone you do not know? Do you love anyone you do not know? Of course not! You only hate and love those you personally know. In fact, you only hate people you care about, deeply. Emotion.

I think Mr. Thomas' comments are a real eye opener for the one-sided views so espoused in the PC World today.

Shame on you at Combat Mission for the final comments when closing the post and personal agenda comments demeaning to others. You look like fools when you have a knee-jerk reaction like the one you just HTML'd.

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Woa, jumper, don't try to offload all the chips on your shoulder in a single post! I had some trouble distilling your point from that rather long ramble about Dupont, Empire, post-WWI/II geopolitics, revisionism and PC-ness. But it seems to be this (correct me if I'm wrong):

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jumper:

You must try to understand what you don't know and learn to grow from the interaction and experience of each person who passes through your life - thus you are enriched.


While I do agree with this in principle, I notice how all too often tolerance is used as an excuse for indifference (the Dutch are somewhat notorious for this). And knowing that you may not know all the facts (how absolute are 'facts' anyway?) should not keep you from having convictions about things. The alternative is total mental/moral paralysis.

I'd better leave it at that before I go off on a rant of my own wink.gif. One word of well-meant advice: lurk a little less, post a little more, in smaller portions. I think you could add lot of interesting traffic to this forum.



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Guest Big Time Software

I'm not personally knowledgeable about what the Duponts sold or to whom.

However, the basic thesis presented earlier, that German Jews were primarily if not singlehandedly responsible for Germany's defeat in World War I is little more tham ignorant, racist, revisionist claptrap - an online Reader's Digest version of Mein Kampf.

And it has no relevance to this message board whatsoever. You want to talk about how the Jews are duplicitious? Do it at your next Klan meeting. But you won't do it here.

This topic is closed. The next person who brings it up is ban-bait. You have been warned.

No smilies here. This is no joke.


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