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Mast Mounted Sights


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Sorry if this enters the anal-retentive realm but can their be an option on Rotor Wing Attack Birds that allow them to unmask their mast mounted sights without exposing the rotors or airframe. I know the Kiowas, some Marine Cobras, and even newer Apaches have that option. I guess it would add a button on the orders window.


M. L. Johnson


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So now Apaches scout for themselves?

I liked the Kiowa jocks they seemed like real scouts. Why Apache jocks acted like fighter pilots. Well guess its the end of another era. Like when A-6s and OV-10s left active service. Gone but not forgotten.


M. L. Johnson


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For what its worth I think the Army like the Marine Corps is making a mistake. The military is trying the business leaner/meaner crap. Cut out specialist in favor of generalist who can do it all but nothing is done well. I trusted people who knew their jobs and were not burdened with too many other task. But the military is trying to save a buck, who cares if it endangers grunts. Hell, they are the cheapest weapon system anyway. Sorry for preaching but this is depressing. frown.gif

"Bean counters and civilian analyst are the bane of a peace time military."

Col. R.A.G. Burns

MACG-28, 2nd MAW Chief of Staff


M. L. Johnson


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