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I must object to OBG's assertion that the privates and other lower enlisted soldiers have no concept of the battlefield beyond their little piece of it. At least on the American side...prior to battle, and even training ops, an Operations Order (OPORDER) is SOP. The OPORDER describes a myriad of details to everyone involved. The further down the ranks the OPORDER is delivered, the more specialized (and detailed) it becomes, but even the Platoon leader lets his troops know about how their operation ties into the bigger picture. There is a good reason for this: if the LT or SFC gets waxed, the others had better damned well know what the plan is, or things can quickly become chaotic. Just ask Sadam's army wink.gif

While CM may not be truly officially adopted, I can easily see it becoming part of the training regimine. I mean, the lowly sand table has been a part of training since time began smile.gif As I stated earlier, I've played a part (marker mover!) in several BN level TURN-BASED microarmor exercises. The focus there is on tactics - not on real-time decision making smile.gif


The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson.

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Guest Big Time Software

This has been part of Western training for some time now from my humble perspective. The Germans were the first to really stress spreading the knowledge, and it is one reason the Allies had such a bugger of a time defeating small groups of smashed up German troops. Their ability to replace a fallen leader from the ranks was second to none qualitatively by many accounts. Been discussed here several times in fact smile.gif

I'd say the US Army was probably the second major nation to fully embrace the "more knowledge is good knowledge" concept, with the others falling in behind. But by now it appears to be standard.


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

OK, I stand corrected. smile.gif

I guess I'm drawing some of my conclusions from "Hollywood". 'Cause it seems like there is always a military movie or TV show that has one or more soldiers questioning the orders of a superior officer.

But JonS, my story of my favorite SEAL has another twist, of which I won't mention. wink.giftongue.gif


"Why don't we say that we took this one chance, and fought!"

"Stupid humans. Hahahahahahaha!"

--from the film Battlefield Earth

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Wel, just to say thanks guys for such an educational exchange.

I know know why I read so much on this BB and write so little.

The standard of the company is just too high for my humble self.

Here's to the Gold Demo and what comes after!

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