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A double catastrophic explosion?

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The AI ran a PzIVH away from a PIAT of mine, and into the line of fire of six Shermans IIs(Me: "Good job, lads, that's way to flush out those Jerries!). The first two Sherms both fired and scored hits at less than 250m, and both shells caused a catastrophic explosion! The hits were closely spaced enough that as soon as the cloud had ended from the first hit, the second shell hit and caused the second cloud. One was a hull side penetration, and one was a turret side penetration. Bug, or not? Can the ammo and the fuel go separately? Can the ready ammo in the turret and the reserve ammo in the hull go up separately?

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I'm just not sure if CM tracks separate ammo and fuel stores for the purposes of determining if there is a catastrophic explosion. It could be that CM just determines that there was a sufficient hit on the AFV to cause a secondary explosion, and then that variable doesn't get reset, which means any other hit on that turn uses the same catastrophy conclusion. So, since I don't know enough about the code to determine if it is a bug or not (albiet, a little eensey teeney bug that rarely shows up and doesn't affect the game), I thought I would mention it.

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