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When the beta beeps... (Q for BTS)

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I've noticed that when loading PBEM files into the CM 1.1 beta, I hear several sysbeeps during the graphics loading process. Usually there are 6 beeps, but once I heard 9 or 10. I looked into the errorlog file and noticed that there are consistently a couple lines saying something along the lines of "insufficient memory for texture #xyz, downsampling." My guess is that these beeps correspond to this downsampling, because nothing else in the log file screams out "this is a potential problem," but I can't be sure.

All well and good so far. Now, my questions: First, is this insufficient memory warning due to insufficient program memory, or video card/texture memory? (I'm guessing the latter, but want to confirm.) Second, well, it's not really a question but it seems like it might be possible to gain some small amount of intel on enemy forces in a scenario by determining which textures are downsampled, and then examining the texture files to figure out what vehicle or vehicles might use those textures. Presumably this info won't be available in the final, so I wouldn't worry about it all that much.


Leland J. Tankersley

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