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Boo Hoo, Sob...I'm gonna miss all you guys..

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No, I'm not leaving like you might think. Can't get rid of me that easy. wink.gif

What I meant was that once I get the game, I won't be checkin' this board very often. Gonna be playin' CM till I'm blue in the face!!! eek.giftongue.gifmad.gifrolleyes.gifeek.giftongue.gif, oh you get the picture!!!!!!


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

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Actually, I feel kinda the same way. Once CM is in my hands, I will not be checking the BBS much, for fear of spoilers. I have several PBEM partners, and while I certainly will welcome more, I need not to hunt. I will miss the insight (incite, Lewis?) of many. Thank you BTS



You said wet shirt no break, not piss-shirt bend bars!

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