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CM2 multiplayer big maps with many players

Guest herbjorn

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Guest herbjorn

In CM2 I would like to play FROM company/battalion UP TO division level (or brigade would do nicely, too). It should still be tactical, but with lots more troops, tanks etc.

These big battles would be suitable for CM2 multiplayer. Say, two brigades face off, each side could be controlled by 8 players, roughly one player per 1-2 battalions. The players would have to cover each others flanks etc. One player could be the brigade commander on each side, responsible for coordinating. You`d fight it out on a huge map (30km*30km?), say player 1 on side 1 got a mission from his brigade commander to take a particular hill. Once he has done that, he`d get another assignement from his brigade commander based on the current situation. Perhaps to support the flank of player 2 on the same team, who is making a spearhead attack with his battalion(s).

The important thing is, this all happens on the SAME BIG MAP. So after finishing giving your orders, you could check out what your fellow players battalions are up to. Logistics etc. would also have to be dealt with, perhaps one player would be responsible for supplying the others on the same team with beans and bullets.

In a single player large 8vs8 battle, the AI would control one side, and you could elect to give command of some battalions, all battalions etc to the AI. Perhaps you`d just play as the brigade commander and let the AI do the fighting up close.

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I like the Mythic idea of several commanders on one battlefield - that'd make a great monster PBEM game (if nobody drops out)!

The last paragraph, though, gets a little bit away from what CM is - squad-level tactical. As it is, you can make scenarios with whole regiments squaring off, though the processing time would be a little... slow.

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Play Sherwood Fusilers scenario. You'll see why CM doesn't go to larger scale battles with current modeling. I have a decent system and it bogged down due to so many units and so much smoke. Trust me, ya don't want anything larger than battalion. At leasts as currently modeled. but most of us like the current modeling.


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 07-17-2000).]

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Guest herbjorn

But that could be taken care of by restricting the line of sight beyond 5km or so. You would just have to move the map a little to spot things in the far distant. Ground Control lets you tweak this for optimal performance, the same could be considered for CM2 large scale battles.

The example I took was probably "worst case" but you could have scenarios with 2vs2 or 3vs3, totaling between 4-10 battalions. If they were all playercontrolled, only the calculations of player inputs would be required.

-no time spent for the AI to plan

-limited vision a la ground control won`t slow performance

This should make for a fast-paced (relatively) multiplayer.

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Yah this is a good idea it would be a lot of fun to have other comanders to work with on the same map. The issue of a player dropping out could be adddressed by having the AI take over that slot until possibly another player took the vacancy.

This definitely would be more fun in multiplayer tho not PBEM



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