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Working with II World War: Finland vs. Russia scenarios

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I've started to work with some II world war scenarios. I live in Finland and therefor I'm going to build up scenarios located in front of Finland and Russia.

So, is there some kind of tools made for modifying units, terrain, and so on. And can I attach those modified units etc. to scenario file?

Original CM terrain and units aren't appropriate in Finland's woods and villages and ... It's also stupid to use some British or Americans troops as Finnish soldiers.

-Teemu Tiainen (teemu.tiainen@sci.fi)

ps. If there are persons, who are interested about Finland in world war II and combat mission scens., let me know...

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The game uses hardcoded models as far as vehicles and such. You can change the pictures that are painted on these models but you cannot replace a Sherman with a T34. Nor can you create your own models. Wish we could

I am trying a east front battle but I am simply marking Shermans with Russian markings, they did use them and I have some pics of Shermans in the Russian army. You can also change the uniforms, I am trying to change American uniforms to looks more Russian like. You can translate the .wav sound files form American to Finnish IF you speak Finnish. I have a line for somebody that might be able to help me with that.



"Quando omni flunkus moritati"

- Motto of Possum Lodge

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Why? Research is being done for the Eastern Front, or is it you just don't wwant to wait that long?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

The game uses hardcoded models as far as vehicles and such. You can change the pictures that are painted on these models but you cannot replace a Sherman with a T34. Nor can you create your own models. Wish we could

I am trying a east front battle but I am simply marking Shermans with Russian markings, they did use them and I have some pics of Shermans in the Russian army. You can also change the uniforms, I am trying to change American uniforms to looks more Russian like. You can translate the .wav sound files form American to Finnish IF you speak Finnish. I have a line for somebody that might be able to help me with that.



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You can't construct a proper Finland-USSR scenario in CMI but you have to wait until CMII. Meanwhile, you can do what I do and make maps of Karelian terrain based on 1:20000 that are available from Finnish Military Archives.

- Tommi

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