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Invulnerable (almost) defensive position

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To my chagrin, I discovered what is an invulnerable defensive position for infantry: it infantry in a house behind a stone wall. I lost almost three platoons attacking two enemy squads in two adjacent houses in such a position. I hit them with fire from two tanks, two machineguns, a number of halftracks and advancing infantry. I eventually routed them, but my attacking force was decimated.


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Yeah, but it's VERY gamey!

Just kidding, Henri. wink.gif Seriously, I discovered a little while back that you can design something similar to this in a QB by placing wire and hidden mines in front of a stone house or large stone building. The wire and mines slow down assaulting infantry long enough for your MG's to mow them down and route them, while the stone walls reduce the effectiveness of tank rounds. Placed correctly, you can funnel the attackers right into a kill sack. It can't be too obvious, however. You have to be on guard for enemy flanking actions however, as an obvious "tough nut" is just inviting a lot of attention! On the other hand, it can also make a good diversion by tricking an enemy into attacking your "flank" - which is actually your main defensive position.

EDIT: Once again, MT left his spellchecker at home.


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 10-06-2000).]

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