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Will the Map Editor use sources like Topography Maps?

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Why I ask is this...I live close to some old Strip Mine areas, un-reclaimed areas at that. These areas are rather rugged. Basically where ever the draglines left the piles of earth, that's where they stayed. To me, this would make an interesting scenario.

However, from what my father says, any topo maps of that area would show the lay of the land of how it was originally.

Reason why I say these would make a great map is because there are a lot of deep ridges and areas that look like grown-over WWI trenches. Wouldn't know where to put any roads though, but a 4-lane highway goes through this area that I worked on back in '96 as a Temp with the DOT.

So basically, what I'm asking is...How exactly does the Map Editor work? I've seen some screenshots of it somewhere, but couldn't quite decipher it.


"I want you to remember that...no bastard ever won a war...by dying for his country...He won it...by making the other poor dumb bastard...die for his country."--George S. Patton

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I have also been thinking about this in regard to future scenario design, or the CMMC. If, for instance, I had access to landsat GIS maps of an area, it might be possible to turn these into CM maps by simplifying them greatly.

I have access to an ArcInfo workstation through my work, and work with this type of data regularly.

Fionn or Moon might be able to give us some info on this as well. Have you tried to make up a CM map from a real world map with any success and what are the issues in doing it? I believe we could get access to old GIS data for western Europe rather cheaply.


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