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CM 1.1 final suggestions


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Hi all.

Thanks CM stuff for this update.

I would suggest two more feature I would like in 1.1 final patch.

1) Sound volume. The ability to change volume would be great, at least if you are playing listening CD with German Parade Marches during play smile.gif

Guess we need not any user interface for this, just a hotkey which would rotate sound volume thru "volume 0 (silent), volume 1, ...., volume 7 (loud)"

2) TCP/IP dialog expansion

First, I think it would be nice to have an ability to specify either TCP/IP or DNS name. I think "computer.domain.com" is much easier to remember then "" digit sequence.

Second, it would be nice to have a pop-up menu with lets say five recently connected IPs, just to easily select on of the recent opponents.


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