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Spoiler about Valley of tears..,,,,,er Terror (update)

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Playing Valley of tears

via E mail w/ a friend

Im Axis

Experiance: LD, Riesberg, CE Beta demos both sides several times vs. AI and human players.

Well its turn 13 now.

All bunkers eliminated.

most men eliminated.

those alive are either 'routed' or 'panic' so no one is taking orders.

All I can do is watch.

Allies are swarming up to the top center from both sides.

2 Shermans just got on the road in the center and are also headed up the hill.

It Occures to me that the AI wont quit untill reinforcements arrive ... whenever that is.

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Thanks Mark IV

Actually I talked him into a rematch where I get 50% increase. Hope thats enough.

And I will be WAY more attentive.

Still I did use the default set up.

Won't in the ReMatch.

Im gonna play this till the puter says its over. Curious to see if it will wait till after the reinforcements arrive and die.

His whole force should be there waiting for them.


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I wasnt going to mention that I'm playing Haagar in this one.

But since he showed his face.....


Turn 17

Computer hasn't called a halt to this fiasco.

Reinforcements arrive.

Waiting are Two shermans (Haggar tells me they'r both his 'Big ' ones.)

and troops swarming down the hill.

I 1) targeted the closest Sherman w/the Panther

2)Had the men Run at the other one. (hoping to distract it maybe even kill it at close range)

3)Crossed my fingers.

I have no hope that these measures will do any good.

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