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Has anyone experienced this PRBEM prob?

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I know that some probs have been found and fixed with regards to PBEM, but I've never encountered this one and its happened numerous times in a game I'm playing

I have seperate directories for my games

I take my turn and place the resluting PBEM in a dif directory renaming it consecutively

so I do not have any files named PBEM inthe folder nor a dupe number

I email the turn and about 30% or the time the opponent in this particular game, emails me back an tells me I've sent the set up file, This is an impossibility as I have made sure since the first time it happened that I had not screwed up

I notice that every time it happens it locks when I attempt to exit the game - But it locks 90% of the time anyhow tongue.gif

Any feed back this it too wierd




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