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BTS -- help! Frustrating experience with operation.

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Hello --

I just had a very frustrating experience with my first attempt at playing an operation. I am perplexed. Here is what happened:

I decided to play the DeSorby operation (defend a town in the Ardennes).

The operation ended at the end of the first game?!?! Huh? I was playing allied, but it awarded a total victory to the axis side. This makes absolutely no sense to me.

Casualties were as follows:


145 infantry

22 vechicles


89 infantry

1 mortar

18 vehicles

By the end of the game, I had pushed the front line FORWARD a good 5-700 meters, and held it with five healthy infantry platoons. I had significant reserves still in the town. The enemy was no where near the town. Not even vaguely close.

This was extremely agravating, to say the least, especially since CM gives no indication of WHY the operation ended. Lame, lame, lame.

One thing I did was give the Axis a +25% bonus. Did this make the operation unwinable? Was this tested?



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Guest Big Time Software

Operations can end immediately when one side is "pushed off the map" by enemy advances. Without seeing your game, I can't say if that's what happened. The Germans might have outflanked you and moved ahead in strength.

Did you happen to save the game in progress? If so, could you send me the file? (To feedback@bigtimesoftware.com). Or perhaps you can send me the "autosave" file, which is automatically placed in your Saved Games directory.


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Guest Big Time Software

OK Sage - found yer problem. smile.gif

Actually, half the problem is yours and the other half is mine. biggrin.gif

The half that's yours is the large group of German infantry that broke through your right flank. That forced your lines back. So far back, in fact, that you were forced "off the map" which ends the game immediately.

However! In looking at your game I noticed a bug that unfairly penalized you. CM was too harsh in judging the "pushed off the map-ness" and really shouldn't have ended the game there. It should have allowed you to go on to the next battle with a toehold still on the map.

I've made the fix in the code. It won't be in the v1.02 patch (which is already code-frozen) but it'll come in the one after that.

Sorry for the vagueries of war, er I mean CM. smile.gif


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I had the same problem with this very operation!

I played it against a human as the german opponent, and he took out ALL my armor and ALL of my cout cars. My infantry casualties were light and so were his. I took out 13 allied tanks and vehicles, and pushed into the surrounding woods but never got into the town.

I came away with a major axis victory!


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