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Patch Version Number?

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Belongs in the tech support thread, but since I am here...

If you have truely installed pathc 1.05...and see 1.01 in the bottom right, it mean you are pointed to the CD, and NOT the executable on the hard drive. Find the execuatable on the hard drive and run it. If 1.05 still doesnt appear, then you did not install it properly...


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Guest Madmatt

What could also be happening is when he unzipped the patch he pointed it to his CMBO directory. He then figured the patch copied into there and was readyt o go. What it does do (and this is changing in the new patch, thank GOD) is that it actually creates yet another folder called cm v1.05 update. The files in THERE need to be copied up one level and overwrite the older versions. Once that is done he will be ready to rock. Step by Step directions on how to copy those files can be found in the readme file that is in that update folder.


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