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Lost Units

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I have lost some units playing the demo. Mainly vehicles (vehicles stay on the map after being destroyed, unlike troops).

Any way, one turn Im giving orders, the next turn their gone. Verry frustrating when your manuvering to try to kill a Hellcat and one of your Stuggs disapears.

I will admit that in all instances they were manuvering close to the edge of the map. Could they have driven off the map?

If so, are thet retrievable?

Or did the AI just lose them?

Any insights are apreciatted.



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I think you may just have ordered those units to drive off the edge of the map wink.gif.

If they drove off the edge of the map then they're gone..

Be VERY careful placing waypoints near a map edge. Use view 5 or 6 when placing waypoints near a map edge in the beta demo since there's a bug which causes the mouse to jump around near map edges.

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Actually, the same thing happened to me in a PBEM with a friend of mine. We were playing the chance encounter scenario. I was rolling over the enemy as the Americans and had 4 shermans to zero stugs at Turn 8.

I issued orders for the turn and sent it off. When I got the movie back, I had lost one sherman to the Gods. No where on the map. The funniest part about it was that all of my units with moving orders started the movie sequence at the end of their movement line. They warped!

In any event, this was a minor glitch in the code for the beta demo and it doesn't show up very often. It has since been squashed by the BTS team in further development.

I can't wait for the full release!



BJ Simpson

Visit www.arrl.org for information about Ham Radio.


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Again, thanks guys for the response

I promise I will be more carefull in the future.

BTW what exactly is 'hull down'?

how do you get into/out of it?

it apears from reading the 'review' that 'hull down' has some atvantages.



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Hull down means only the turret of whatever is hull down is sticking over a hill. Hence, if my sherman is hull down to a stug, all the stug can see is the turret - not the main hull.

It is really much harder to hit hull down tanks (someone figured this out in another thread... I remember 40% area visible, but I may be making that up... I think it varies tank to tank) Hull down stugs have in my experience about twice to three times the lifespan of non hull down stugs...

as to getting hull down, using the "hunt" command near hills seems to work well... really just practice moving tanks...

- Bill

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Thanks hunt 52

Ive tried to get that effect (w/out knowing what it was called) by using view 1 from all angles. However I'm not sure how effective that is, given the fact that what you SEE in view 1 directly behind (or in front of) a unit dosent correlate with its LOS.

So it seems that to actually get a hull down position is rather random luck. I like the hunt idea except that a tank is likely to wander off on/insearch of other targets instead of waiting patiently to ambuch an up comming enemy.



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Hunt 52,

That was me and was only some guesstimating on my part. Reasonably accurate though but, as you say, it varies from tank to tank.


The ability to go hull-down is very precise in CM. Only inexperience with the game system makes it seem otherwise. Generally I can get myself precisely hull-down exactly where I want to be with my very first try now. When I first got the game I was floundering in getting hull-down like you.

The moral of the story is that it'll come with practice.

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