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Question about embarking

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In one game I was relocating a MG team through a forest. I wanted them to walk through the forest a rather long distance, say 300m, then embark a vehicle.

First I gave them a Move order, which worked fine. I then discovered that I could use the vehicle, and moved it into place. When it was almost there, I changed the Move order to an Embark by moving the destination marker onto the vehicle. The vehicle was still a good way off and not visible to the MG team. The result: The MG team stopped and refused to continue moving for about 2 turns. I then changed the order back to a Move with a destination close to the vehicle, and after the proper delay (20 seconds, they are out of command range) they started moving again.

Is this a feature or a bug? If it is a feature, then I find it confusing that the Move order changes to Embark even at long distances.

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