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Hiya there all!, jus got the full game yesterday an have to say it's awesome! And yes CM Borg type dude, I am assimilated wink.gif . The things that happen in this program are amazing and hilarious sometimes. I jus played the tutorial as the Americans and 2 funny things happened. I only used both of my tanks to rush the cross-roads and was wiping good o'l Jerry a bit an noticed that one of his heroic HQ platoons only had one fella left. This guy was on crack I suspect as he charged my tank on the right and ran right through the center of the tank!! (View 2). My "Jaw Drop" look soon turned into "Gafaws of Laughter" when he emerged from the opposite side an was promptly blown away by my left tank. An that's not all!, another Jerry 10 seconds later emerged from the trees in front good o'l right tank and had an orange banner above his head stating a surrender type of manuevre and was hastily MG'd down by Mr left tank. I was laughing so hard I bout pee'd in my bucket under the puter. This game Rocks!...

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That's what this game is all about. I was playing a scenario where I had 3 panthers fairly close together along a road. A sherman came tear-assing around the corner and ran full speed in an attempt to get past me (and take an objective I guess). He was moving so fast my panthers couldn't engage but fortunately, a pioneer squad in support tossed a satchel charge at him as he careened on past. THe funny part was he didn't immediately stop. He coasted about 5 tank lengths an came to rest on a small hill. In disbelief, I had to replay that one a couple of times.


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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