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75mm Pack Howitzers Rock!

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I threw back an attack by a Regular SS Company today with a Brit Reg. Glider Platoon, 4 Vickers Machine Guns, a minefield, and 2 75mm Pack Howitzers.

I must give full credit to the arty. Those guys just knocked out one building after another, leaving the Germans with no cover. They caused 29 casualties and brought down 3-4 buildings.

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I had a similar experiance with them in a PBEM game (that game actually spawned the "SS are overpriced hamsters" thead). The SS were hounded from building to building trying to find cover but wanting to get out before the buildings fell on their heads. They ended up being hearded into a nice killing zone. The poor little SS men were no match for this 75mm Queen of the Battlefield!

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brk wrote:

Hah! 105 mm FO killed 57 infantry and 2 mortars last night. I couldn't believe it. I'm buying more arty from now on...

Just for fun I made a scenario where two American infantry batallions and 30 tanks were crowded into 300x200 meter area and placed six target reference points over them. For the other side I gave something like 24 FOs, most 75 mm or 81 mm mortars but with a good deal of heavy stuff also.

On round four Americans surrendered with a little over 1000 casualties. Only 4 tanks were intact at that point.

It was a pretty impressive firework when viewed from German side.

- Tommi

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