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Thich Fog at Night Spotting Bug (3rd try)

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I think I've found a bug. In this save there is a German Assault Gun in the middle of the screen (marked with a German Cross) which is out of LOS at the beginning of the turn. Hit GO and when the AFV in question starts moving it is *immediately* spotted even though it is over 60m away from the closest friendly unit. I see this kind of thing *all the time* with Thick Fog at Night. This is using version 1.5. Thanks!

save game: http://www.suba.com/~robo/TFNBug3.cmb

Oddly, some people have tried the save and do not see this behavior.

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To clarify by "spotted", I mean a physical graphical representation of an assault gun is displayed when said assault gun starts moving even though the nearest unit is over 60 meters away. As I understand the rules of the game, a graphical representation of a unit should only appear when the unit can be seen by an enemy unit. I tried duplicating this effect with just plain fog, etc and did not see this behavior - in those cases a sound contact marker would remain in play until the AFV actually entered LOS at which point the graphical representation would appear - as expected.

This bug allows me to, among other things, know the exact facing/orientation of an enemy AFV even though it is not within LOS of any of my units.

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If you had not seen a "graphical representation" of the unit prior to this turn, it might be a bug, but going on the fact that 'cross markers' don't appear unless a definite "graphical representation" has been displayed, I'd say it isn't a bug.

Really you need to give us a couple turns prior to this, as I bet the vehicle in question was spotted earlier. Subsequent "spottings" would then be easier and, just going on my gut feeling, it would be easy to tell where a tank was in such an atmosphere where the sound carries very well.

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Why would you need to see prior turns - what difference does it make? Yes indeed the vehicle was spotted earlier - in fact that is always the case when I see this bug. Are you saying that the spotting distance is increased for units that have aleady been spotted?

Correct me if I'm wrong but during the day when a tank disappears from view behind a building it is replaced with a nationality marker. It's grapichal representation is only displayed when the tank reappears within LOS.

However, with thick fog at night the max LOS range is 30m (or something like that) so it should not be possible to see the tank (a graphical representation) until it gets within that range. Why should I be able to see a tank at 60m (supposedly out of LOS) rotating in place when it's beyond visible range? I can use this info to sneak up one my own tanks behind it when it's facing away.

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