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Quit reading this and SEARCH!!

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I am sick and tired of all of this sharing of relevant information between the people on this board, did you do a search? I have been perusing every topic that has ever been addressed here and I must demand that all discourse be halted ASAP. Every nagging question such as What is this on my lip? what is that smell?, and where are my pants? etc. All of the answers to these and more are waiting for us in the deep musty bowels of our treasured archives. So from now on everything and everything will be searched-nothing but searching searching searching. We must all work like Graduate students on penitentiary grade Benzedrine!-Let this be our mantra-Did you do a search? Did you do a search? Number 9 number 9-oops sorry lost my train of thought, Let it be me who rips the scales from your eyes and frees you from the dredgery of e-mail after e-mail after e-mail.

Did you do a search?-we shall arm ourselves with this magical query, it will be our sword and buckler to defend ourselves againt the ignorant unwashed masses who dare to venture out of the warm confines of our trusted collective history! We have nothing to lose but our chains! Avanti brothers and sisters!!

PS I have also decided that the Irish will indeed have to eat their children.

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While I am sure Chicago Boy means this in the best possible way, there really is nothing wrong with doing a little homework before asking a question. With well over 10,000 topics and 100,000 individual posts we have gone over quite a lot of issues and there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be uncovered.

There is also nothing wrong what-so-ever with asking questions that have been dealt with before. No one has ever accused us of being perfect. A good healthy discussion benefits us all.

So with that in mind, it is probably best to just lock this one up and get on with some topics that are discussion worthy.

Thank you...


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