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aww Nuts!!!!

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I read a book called "A Screaming Eagle at Bastogne". When their general, Mcauliffe was asked to surrender Bastogne to the Germans, he replied "nuts". This commendable display of courage needs to be recognised. I dont have CM YET, it hasnt arrieved, but I am sure there must be an Ardennes scenario or operation.

Panzer Grenader



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There are several Ardennes scenarios and operations available.

McKinley's Battalion operation by Moon is an Ardennes one. My friend and I are playing a Hot-Seat game of it right now.

Parker's Crossroads scenario is an Ardennes one.

There's at least 4 or 5 more already on the CD.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Dont forget Fear in the Fog, which is by the way the hairiest encounter I have had yet in CM eek.gif


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