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Two quick questions about spotting and being spotted:

1) When a stationary unit rotates in place is it any easier to spot (such as when it moves).

2) If a unit in hide mode is facing away from an appraaching enemy unit, is it less likely to open fire on that unit?

If the answers to these questions are no and yes respectively, this would seem to lend itself to a helpful, if gamey, tactic. Several times I have had perfectly good ambushes ruined by a green unit opening fire too early. I was wondering if it would help to simply face my green ambushing units away from the approaching enemy and rotate them to the proper facing only as the enemy approaches my desired ambush spot?

[This message has been edited by bazooka10165 (edited 05-30-2000).]

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Guest Scott Clinton

Just my impressions...but I would say "Yes" and "Yes".

I think "Rotation" represents the actual re-deployment of your squad or team to orient toward a new direction and not just people 'looking' in a different direction...so actual movement would be involved, IMO.

On the second question, I am 99% sure facing is taken into account, so if the enemy is advancing on you flank, your 'Hiding' units are less likely to spot them.

All of the above is just based on my impressions and a flat out WAG (Wild Ass Guess for those unfam. with the term wink.gif )


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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