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Some general positive comments

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After messing around with the demo for a while, I called a student and asked if he'd mind going back to the lab to try the game....no problem, so after getting him used to the interface (which didn't take long), PC 2 PC email works ok.

In spite of the fact that I was told 'unlearn all that you knew' I find that I really didn't have to. Thankfully, the game is as flexible as I'd hoped. I HATE 3d with a passion. But the game is perfectly workable working from a top down perspective 80% of the time, and from a 3/4 perspective the other 20%

One of the first thigns that I tried was allowing the AI to 'redeploy' it's forces, and this with the fog of war off....then quitting the game and restarting just to see how it would vary the initial disposition. Nothing specifically that I can pick up on as of yet.

I never managed to take out the Tiger-1, but was able to force him to retreat because of repeated pummeling.

I did easily(?) get a total victory, but was glad to see that I got punished for making obvious mistakes. I lost 2 TD's to infantry assaults simply because I pushed them far forward beyond infantry cover.

Negatives? None actually.

Positives? Detailed, appears to have a tough AI, has a twilight zone kind of freakishness about it. Managed to get into a traffic jam on a road smile.gif The AI never rally pushed it's tanks beyonf infantry cover unlike me smile.gif


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