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Off topic beer post for Lokesa and Steve

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Here is the wesbite for Unibroue Beer in Quebec, Ca. www.unibroue.com The site is in both English and French. For anyone who doesn't know, Unibroue makes beers in the 'Belgian Style'. Stylistically, these beers are 'out there'. The bare no similarity to Labatt's Blue or Budweiser.

These are the beers they produce;

Blanche De Chambly: A 'white' beer, made of wheat and spiced with orange and coriander. Very effervescent. 5% abv

Quelque Chose: A gluhkriek which is a brown ale beefed up with tons of sour cherries and loaded with unfermentable sugars. Meant to be drunk warm/hot (honest).8% abv

Raftman: A peat malt smoked beer. 5.5% abv

Eau Benite: A Trappist style ale. 7.7% abv

La Fin Du Monde: VERY similar to Scaldis or Bush Blonde. Pale, pale yellow in colour and heavily spiced. Has very aromatic and flavourful yeast byproduct profile. Surprisingly 'light' for a 9% abv beer.

Trois Pistoles: 9% abv

La Gaillarde: An orange-spiced beer. Very tart tasting. 5% abv

Marie Clarisse: 6.5% abv brewed for one hotel chain in Quebec. I haven't tried this beer frown.gif

La Maudite: 8 % abv Very malty beer, the spices tend to keep it from being cloying (the Belgians use some weird spices in beer making, including cinammon, ginger, allspice, peppermint, coriander, licorice, honey, heather, clover and so on ).

1837: 7% abv. distibuted exclisively in Quebec. I haven't tried this beer frown.gif

U and U2 beers; pilseners? Sold only in Quebec?

I suspect that their are several other 'one off' beers that have made their way to some pubs and bars.

Now, sorry for the long beer rant, but I think this is Canada's finest brewery and I live 1/2 way across the country to the other coast and have only been to Quebec once in my life.

And although I don't know about Steve, but I love the Unibroue at room temperature (yup thats right....not cold).


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Guest Big Time Software

Hey cool! Thanks (even though I should delete the post because it is off topic). HEAR THIS, Steve duly notes that he is being a hypocrite by leaving this post, not to mention responding to it smile.gif

I didn't know I stumbled upon a national treasure of Canada. Now that I look, they are even mentioned in one of my beer books wink.gif Fortunately, I have lived within hours of Quebec all my life. Even still, only been about 6 times in my life. But now that I am hooked on these beers, this might change! Thankfully I know LOTS of people that go and are happy to bring back the limit for me!

Room temperature? Yes, if I remember to do that wink.gif In the summer I have to keep them in the fridge and generally don't remember to take 'em out 1-2 hours before drinking. Also gotta get a better glass. My old Chimey glass broke a long time ago frown.gif


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Guest Lokesa

Tom, do you have a particular favorite?

I'm thinking on ordering either "La Fin Du Monde" or "La Maudite" first but am up for suggestions.

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Lokesa; my favourite would have to be La Fin Du Monde, which translated into english means 'the end of the world'. This beer goes well with fish, veal or other 'light' meats. I don't know if you can get it in either th 26 oz or 12 oz sizes. Be warned that if you can get it in the 26 oz size, it can not be recorked (comes complete with a wire wrapped cork, and covered in white tin foil ), which means you have to consume the entire bottle usually in an evening if you do not want it to go flat.

The Maudite goes well with red meat, such as a nice steak or roast. This also comes in 26 or 12 oz bottles.

One other thing about the Unibroue beers is that they all keep for several years. I'd been saving a bottle of '94 Maudite until you and Steve got me going and tried it last nite.

Here are my April 4/97 tasting notes on Maudite verbatim;

A smart pop when the bottle opened. Ruddy dark brown colour. Dense, finely bubbled head. Fruity, faintly alcoholic aroma. Head is fairly long lasting. No lace on side of glass. Complex taste comprised of fruit, malt and Belgian candy sugar.

Carbonation not too high. I had prviously believed this to be a Tripel, but now it doesn't seem to me to be as wild and unrestrained as it once was. Perhaps because it has aged since 94 or perhaps because I've been exposed to more beer since then. Lots of esters. Slightly phenolic. bubblegum/banana?

Sorry that I can't find my tasting notes for any of the other Unibroue beers.


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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>which means you have to consume the entire bottle usually in an evening if you do not want it to go flat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just don't plan on going anywhere after drinking a Big Boy smile.gif You might also want to pick a night when you don't have to do something early the next day too! Of course you could have someone help you finish it, but be selfish smile.gif La Fin Du Monde is simply fantastic.

BTW, I remembered to have a Trois Pistoles at about 72deg F last night. Yum!


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Steve; what does a Trois Pistole taste like. I've read about it but never had it. Somewhere I'd read it had a strong licorice taste. True/false?

we finally have some half decent beers which originate where I come from (Winnioeg, Manitoba)....a hefeweizen from Agassiz, and a pale and dark ale from Fort Garry, along with Frontier (a supposedly Czechslovakian pilsner but i have not tried it yet ).


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Yes, La Maudite (Damned) is an excellent beer, I just so happen to have a scooner full in front of me now. And it is definetley good at room tempurature.

Apples, tart pear, cinnamon....nice amber color a little cloudy.

Thanks for the tip on a great beer.

I't turns out Wally (the owner of a veritable beer emporium "cork and keg") just got La Maudite, La fin du Monde, and Blanc de chamble in yesterday along with a case of Maudite glassware, I guess he'd been looking to get them in for a while... I feel rather fortunate to have such a store close to my house (being in San Diego, I never expected him to have any in stock).

Once again thanks for the tips, seriously enjoying the mellow flavor.


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I'm glad that some people in the States are able to tryout some of what I think are Canada's best beers. On the 16th, I'm heading out to British Columbia on a classic road trip and will swill many beer. I'm currently in search of an ultimate barleywine and IPA. Open to any suggestions at all from people in the States. I'll be in the upper northwest if that helps.



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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Somewhere I'd read it had a strong licorice taste. True/False?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not quite sure how to describe it, but I would say "True" is probably close enough. What bothers me is that it sooooo much reminds me of another beer I have had. I just can't place it. But the flavor at room temp is fantastic. It is also quite smooth and thick on the tounge. Very little carbonation too. The consistancy was much in the way of a good thick stout. Certainly a beer to be drunk slowly and enjoyed. Personally, I rather have beers like this with little or no distractions (i.e. food).


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Sorry if I'm lagging getting AAR's up, I'll try to post these more regularly.

We've finished the Maudite and the Fin du Monde, another excellent Ale also drunken at room temp.

I have a question for you guys in the north. Whats the story behind the phantom trappers on the label? Is there any old wives tales regarding these guys? It's a great label by the way, phantom trappers sailing into the abyss, rather halloweenish.

Anywhoo, the blanc is next but it'll be saved for tommorrow ( I have a final tommorrow and in my old age would never make it were it to be drunk )_

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