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A truly classic wargame


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In today's "Helsingin sanomat" was a short article about a really old wargame, where 'really old' means that it didn't have even hexes. The publication date of the game is not known, but based on the used fonts it was some time before 1910!

The objective of the game was to capture the Balkans. The participants were Turkey, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, and (IIRC) Serbia.

The map consisted of countries that were colored with different colors. The possible routes for armies were marked with traditional interconnected circles. (Given the geography of the Balkans this might be even more realistic option than hexes).

There were two types of units in the game, artillery and infantry. The artillery could fire two circles away while the infantry had to be in neighbouring circles. Each side had a different amount of troops with Turkey being the strongest power. The actual combat details were left out of the article, but they seem to have included dice somewhere.

The goal of the game was to capture the capitals of other countries. When a capital was seized the victor received the control of the remaining units of the country.


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