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A Perennial Gripe Resolved

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The quality of a game is mirrored in the scenarios or battles that come with it.

It can be a great game, but if the scenarios, or operations (used to be campaigns)suck, the beauty of the creation can be marred.

Many gaming companies make scenario design and testing a last minute rush job. Not the case here.

I don't think you'll be saying after you start,"Man, these scenarios are terrible. I'm gonna have to find some good ones somewhere!"

A test team of 18 people is working very hard to make sure this does not happen with CM. Scenarios come from nine different individuals, some of whom have some serious gaming experience under their belt.

We have a well organized program to run these scenarios through their paces before you get them. Maps, units, play balance and historicity are all important factors in this effort.

I have the hope that you are not only going to love the game, but the scenarios that come with it.

Of course at TGN and the Raiders we intend to continue support of the game with monthly additions to the scenario/operations roster.

And you will probably design your own too. The editor, by the way, is without a doubt, the most user friendly I have ever seen. Once you get the feel of it, you'll be cranking them out too. And that is good.

So look for a fine game with at least some of the battles you have requested. And more will be coming (including your own masterpieces!).


Dirctor of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

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