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Since we've been talking about "when" for some time, I'll start talking about "progress" instead. How is the AI coming? Looking back, how do you feel about the project? How does it compare to past work you have done, and is it what you expected. What were the main surprises you encountered?


Climb to Glory!

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Guest Big Time Software

Too early to start looking back yet. Still too busy looking straight ahead wink.gif But things are going pretty smoothly. Just wish there were about 6 more hours in each day, that's all! AI is looking good, models are starting to come together faster, and we have filled some gaping TO&E gaps.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Big Time Software

As of yesterday we got a new build finalized. It has "final" TO&E for at least US, UK, and Germany. I forget what the status is on the others (Canada, Poland, France).

Let me tell you, the German TO&E was a real bitch to do wink.gif Took Charles and I about 4 man days total to actually sift through all of our data and put it down on paper. And we are talking our typical day of about 14 hrs too smile.gif We included some "odd" formations as well, including:

Sicherung (Security)

Gebirgsjäger (Mountain)

Volksstrum (Home Guard)

We also have PzGren (both Mot and Armored), Schützen (infantry, 44 and 45 pattern), Grenadier (formations specific to Volksgrenaider divisions), Pioneer units for all of these, and Fallschrimjäger units as well. There are SS variations on Inf 44, Inf 45, PzGren (Mot), PzGren (Armd), and Pioneer formations for each.

What about Recon you ask? German Recon was either vehicular based (we include no TO&E for vehicular formations) or used standard infantry formations for the division. For example, an Inf 44's Füsilier formation's infantry componant uses standard Inf 44 pattern squads, platoons, and companies. So if you want a SS Pz Gren Aufklärung formation, toss down some armored cars. Want a Volksgrenadier Füsilier Companie, toss down a standard Grenadier Companie. Simple wink.gif

Unlike the Allied formations as a whole, German ones are all fundamentally different from one another. That is why it was such a pain in the butt. There is little similarity between the squads in most of German formation types, while Allied ones are fairly uniform. Also, a decent chunk of the German stuff was contradictory, so we had to use 3 sources to figure out what was right. Hard work, but good stuff smile.gif

We also put in the following vehicles:

Stug III w/skirt

SPW 251/D

Sherman II (British)


US Deuce and a Half (heavy truck)

More on the way too!


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 07-30-99).]

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Thanks much for the update. This is exactly what I've been looking for in terms of a progress report. Any chance you could do this on a semi-regular basis? If it's not too much trouble please consider doing it like every 2-3 weeks. If it is a major pain in the a**, or is detracting from getting the game done I can very well live w/o it. Thanks again.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest Big Time Software

Thanks Mike. I'll post the next time we hit a major point. But another tidbit... the first round of the OpAI was tested for the first time today. I won't go into details, other than it won on the attack. Mind you, this was a small test, and it made many (thankfully identifiable) mistakes, but it still won with roughly realistic end results. Just looked kinda stupid at times from what I understand wink.gif Not bad for first pass!! When the AI has been really worked on I will post something about it.


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I am really glad to see that the AI is doing so well. Nothing like a good challenge! I can hardly wait to put the StuG III onto the battle field. Every computer game in the past has underestimated these AFVs. It was the only vehicle the gerries had that could really take on a T-34 or KV-1 for the longest time. BTW, did you guys code it up with or without the saukopf mantlet?



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Guest Big Time Software

With saukopf (rounded mantlet). From what we can tell the Germans stopped making the cast/bolted mantlet back in late 1943, so it isn't clear how many of them were left on the Western Front since most of the armored divisions there were refitted in early 1944. Photo evidence shows the saukopf models all over the place, but the older style are hard to find pics of in that timeframe and theater. So for now we are not going to sticking with the saukopf model, with and without skirts.

In any case, the difference between the two in terms of protection was minor since it really only mattered if the Stug was hit straight on. Sides were protected by the superstructure.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-02-99).]

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So which one of your butts (Steve, or Charles) did the AI attacker have the honor of rolling over? :) It is good to hear that the AI is alive and kicking.

While I've long since given up on anyone coming up w/ a truly competent AI in a computer game of any sort in the near future (which explains why I'm not willing to hold up CM's release forever like some folks are for the AI to supposedly be "perfected") I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with in CM.

Who knows, if it's really good maybe you'll even sway me from my stubbornly rooted (and IMHO very justified) opinion that playing against most computer wargame AI's is a total waste of time. ;) Until then, I'll stick to using my own "MI" (that's Mikester Intelligence, or lack thereof depending on the situation and how many beers I've had), and kicking/getting kicked by, my friends "AI" in head to head play.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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