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I am amazed at how many names on the Vietnam Wall were due to "accidental self-destruction." Will weapon malfunctions include the disasterous effect of firing a rifle grenade with ball ammunition? How about dropped grenades. I was thinking that strange close combat results could be explained by such events. Will explosives be vulnerable to hostile fires? This means bangalores,flame throwers, ect. How about tanks running over their own troops?


Climb to Glory!

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Guest Big Time Software

Unfortunately, there are just far too many causes for non-combat death and injury for us to simulate. A man can, for example, become ineffective by breaking a leg vaulting over a wall, or accidentally shoot himself while cleaning his gun, etc. The only kinds of indirect casualties we track are:

Friendly fire from small arms at night.

Friendly fire from large caliber weapons (artillery, tank HE, etc.)

Indirect casualties from something like an AP round hitting a tank with troops aboard (even if the round doesn't score a critical hit!).

Vehicle explosions on passengers and, I think, nearby troops.

The tanks running over their own troops is interesting, and probably more common than the one or two cases I have read about, but still quite rare. In any event it is far too difficult to simulate reasonably.


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