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Vehicles in Motion

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Without reviewing the previous turn's movie, how can you tell if an enemy vehicle is in motion and how fast it is going?

I can forsee a situation where a vehicle pops out from behind a building in the last second of a turn 6 meters in front of some of my guys. I'm gonna want to chuck some grenades at it, but is it travelling at 2 mph or 35 mph?

Also, if a distant vehicle is spotted darting across an alley... and my guys only get to see an enemy icon for the vehicle, will I be able to click on the icon and determine if the vehicle just passed for a second or if it turned up the alley and is headed toward me?

Thanks, Matt

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I'm not positive, but I think on this scale, the decision of whether to chuck or not to chuck grenades will probably be left up to the grunts, as opposed to you, their commander's, commander's commander.

And in any case, if your men only did see the vehicle for a second, should you, way up on the chain of command really know much about their speed?

I could be wrong,


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Guest Big Time Software


There is no special "chuck grenade" command. If your guys think they can take on a tank, they will. So if it is screaming by you at 25mph, they aren't likely to give it a go.

In terms of speed and direction, you get all information from watching the movie. If you skip through the movie you are going to miss out on a WHOLE bunch of potentially vital information.

Visual clues for enemy units is easy to read. If the vehicle has been really spotted, you will be able to tell its direction by simply looking at it. If you just get a "symbol" icon, you don't know enough about the unit to judge much of anything.


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Guest KwazyDog

I believe you can review the movie as many times as you desire, though dont quote me on that smile.gif

On more question. What sort of info can you get on an enemy unit by selecting it? Does it give you info like speed, wether they are buttoned, etc?

Thanks. smile.gif

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Pixman, as I understand it you can review the movie as much as you like during the action phase but, during the planning phase you you can't go back and review the previous turns movie to see if you missed anything.



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Guest Big Time Software

Rhet's description is correct. You can watch the movie an unlimited number of times, but once you start giving orders you can't go back and re-watch.

However, we've found that this has never, even once, caused any problems. And we've fought out some battles with so many moving (or not moving) vehicles all over the place that they definitely fall into the kids-don't-try-this-at-home category and none of the players ever had a problem knowing what each vehicle was doing (provided it was identified and in LOS, of course!).


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Guest Big Time Software

Dear Mr. Dog,

When you click on an enemy unit you get back variable information depending on the level of spotting. The lowest level of intelligence (sound contact) can be as little as "Heavy Tank?" and "ah, over that way" for location. Medium level is "Tank for sure, but maybe a PzIV?" and location is more likely to be correct. You also know if the unit is buttoned. The next level up makes things more exact, but there is still a degree of possible misidentification. Wait until you see this in action!

Once the unit has been totally identified you know just about everything about it. This includes if it is buttoned (this is also graphical too), what EXACTLY the unit is, all relevant stats (like armor and gun stuff), location, etc. Some stuff you won't know, like if the unit is panicking or not.


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Guest KwazyDog

Thanks for the response Steve smile.gif The mis-identification thing is something I cant wait to see in action! Its something that is so sorely missed in computer war games, and can significantly alter a battle. For example, if you misidentify a couple of Pz IV's as Tiger, youd be much more likely to reposition your units to tackle that threat, more that would maybe be necessary for the IV's. This could result in a lost battle, worst case.

I think this is really going to change the way we play this game compared to others, because we have to make educated guesses ourselves, rather than simply relying on the results from our troops... smile.gif

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