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Old guy with questions


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Fellow gamers,

I just purchased T-72 and am slowly learning!

1) How do you install the mads? Not sure how to do that! Not sure where to place the files!

2) I went to download the map pack and it takes me to a ftp site where I think you have to pay to be able to use it!

I am an old guy with not a lot of technical skills. Any help would be most appreciated!

Thank you,


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Hi Cats,

It's been a long time since I downloaded the upgrade packages from the T-72 BOF page in Battlefront.com. The bottom line is the following. The map files are of the format *.ca . They are cache files. So place them in the CACHE file in your T-72 Balkans On Fire file on your hard drive. The script files are of the format *.pd . They are script files. So, place them in the scripts file in your T-72 Balkans On Fire file on your hard drive.

Once you have the files in the right place, to play the new missions, click the User Mission link/button on the game's homepage. It will be on the right half of the screen when the game homepage loads after the opening video sequence. Click on that, and it will open a little windows file explorer window on your screen. In the new little window, navigate into the T-72 Balkans On Fire / CACHE file. in the CACHE file, choose the new mission that you downloaded and want to play. The new mission will begin to open and run once you do that. I hope that helps.

This is a really great game, and will be a cause for frustration at times, but once you gain experience in it, it becomes so much fun. Also, I uploaded 20 additional missions in the Battlefront Repository, that you can download for free from there. You will need to create a user ID for the Battlefront site if you have not already done so. Which is also free to do. Anyway, it's really nice to hear from other people playing this great game.

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Hi Cats,

Did you have to create a username and password on Battlefront.com when you purchased T-72 Balkans On Fire from the Battlefront.com website? I would suggest giving that a shot. I'm not sure what else to tell you on that one. You're not missing too much new with those two download packages.

If it's any consolation, go check out the missions for this game that I uploaded in the Battlefront.com Repository. In the Battlefront Classic Games > T-72 Balkans On Fire section. There are new takes on campaign missions, and new missions entirely. I'm currently working on another new one with one of the desert maps. I should be done with it in late October, and I'll add that one to the Repository as well.

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Just an update on the second issue I asked about, I started a help ticket and the issue was a broken link that needed fixed. It has been fixed for any other person who might be interested in downloading the addons!

Mortarman, I started loading your mods. Thanks for your efforts. I still have to learn how to be effective in my use of the tanks!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Nice work on starting that help ticket Cats! Good job on that.

Some tips for learning to use the tanks...

1-From the game Homepage you can go to User Mission > CACHE file > cfgmode.ca, and modify some of the game configurations. Like increasing your own tank's armor or increasing your own tank's ammo load, etc. Just remember what you change and how to change it back if you don't like the results.

2-Don't forget about the 12.7mm machine gun at the top of the turret, or on the Commander's cupola. The 12.7mm machine gun can destroy the Shturm-S, MTLB, and BRDM-2 even out to 2000 meters. It can destroy a Super Sherman as well at point blank range. You can also drive behind a structure or a high burm where all but the 12.7mm machine gun is covered and engage the enemy.

3-Not able to coordinate from the Gunner's position very well during battle? Remember that you can switch to the Driver's position, and the AI crew in the turret will take over and engage the enemy (as long as they are not knocked out).

4-If you can dig in or fight from a covered position where you tank hull is behind cover, do it. Raised highway roadbeds are great for this. Most of the shots from your tank and the enemy's strike the hull, not the turret.

5-If you are in a good fighting position, and have time to improve it, or check your firing range to landmarks or trees before the enemy shows up, do it. Tramping down tall grass will cause your field of view to be dramatically improved, and determining your ranges to objects ahead of time will help when the atmosphere is too opaque for the laser range finder to work.

6-The OFS (high explosive fragmentation) shell can damage or destroy enemy tanks when the shell lands on the ground adjacent to the tank - especially if it lands behind the tank where the shrapnel (splinters) has a better chance to damage the engine.

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Thanks for all the info. I also received your invoice for the above tutorial in the mail today and I promise, the check is in the mail!:D:D:D

All joking aside, I appreciate the immense amount of help that was freely given!

My best,

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:-) I'm not an employee of Battlefront.com, so I'm not tracking on your invoice reference. I'm just a big fan of this game, and have a lot of experience playing it, and making mission updates for it that I've published for free download. Anyway, if you have any further questions regarding this game, I'll help you with what I know. Have a good one!

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The "invoice" reference was a joke alluding to a fake invoice you supposedly sent me regarding a charge for all the info you freely gave. Sorry, sometimes my attempt at humor is about as clear as mud.

One again I appreciate all the info!

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