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The Charge of the HQ Brigade, and Cease-Fire mechanics

Guest L Tankersley

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Guest L Tankersley

Well, I've got a few battles under my belt now. First game was Riesberg, in which I'm proud to say I won an Allied Total Victory with a final morale of 91% (abetted, it must be said, by some pretty nice early luck - one of my trusty Shermans knocked out the 88 on the hill early in the first turn). Only lost one tank, to a panzershreck.

After that, I played the same scenario from the German side. I only knocked out one tank, but eventually immobilized all the others where they couldn't do much to my defenders in the town. Losses were very heavy on both sides. Towards the end of the game, the AI was sending platoon and company HQ units storming into the town, which led me to believe he was quite low on manpower. With about 5 minutes left, and my strength dwindling, I selected the "cease-fire" option. About two minutes later (with a few turns to go before scenario end) the game ended, and said that all my surviving troops had surrendered. Now, I still held (weakly) all but one of the victory locations, and it awarded the Allies a major victory despite extremely heavy losses. I'm wondering, did my cease-fire option essentially mean "prepare to surrender?" How is the cease-fire option intended to be used? Or, could my guys have all given up because my global morale had dropped so low?

Oh, on the topic of the "Tiger invincibility myth," it should be remembered that that myth got started in 1943 when the Tiger first saw service. Back then, though not invulnerable, it was pretty durn tough to crack. By 1944-45, though, it wasn't particularly heavily armored. The PzVIB, now, THAT's a heavy tank....but I digress.

Leland J. Tankersley

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What you are describing is an en masse surrender of troops due to low global morale LOL..

These guys do NOT wait for you to tell them it's ok to surrender LOL wink.gif.. It looks to me like you had been pummelled and your units saw no way to survive and surrendered wink.gif

As for the HQs.. Yeah, when you see the AI (or a human player) leading assaults with them then you know its dredging the bottom of the barrel.

Basically the cease fire is intended to simulate a commander issuing the following order "Guys, if they stop firing then you stop too.. I don't want any more serious fighting."

If BOTH sides want a cease-fire then the game automatically will create a ceasefire... Once you offer a ceasefire you can't take it back..

A ceasefire is secret SO the AI had no knowledge you offered it (and neither would a PBEM opponent).



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If BOTH sides want a cease-fire then the game automatically will create a ceasefire... Once you offer a ceasefire you can't take it back..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually you can. Just "offer" it again and when the confirmation dialog appears, say "no".


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Well I've only ONCE offered a ceasefire in a game of CM so I'm not the best person to ask about ceasefires wink.gif

Thanks for the info BTW Charles, I hadn;'t known that, then again my motto is "Death before dishonour, dishwashing and taking out the garbage"



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest L Tankersley

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>These guys do NOT wait for you to tell them it's ok to surrender LOL .. It looks to me like you had been pummelled and your units saw no way to survive and surrendered <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heh, well, maybe so. But I contend that the US was not in much better shape - I had wiped out the company HQ a few turns earlier when it charged alone into the center of town, and in the post-game review the US was down to about 1 platoon of effectives (plus 3 Shermans immobilized in the rear).

I'll try it again and let you know how it turns out wink.gif.

Leland J. Tankersley

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I agree, the US wasn't in much better shape BUT that wasn't important to your men. All your men knew was that they had been beaten to pieces and didn't see a way to survive. BTW an immobilised tank is still a tank and gives the AI units a big boost to morale. THREE immobilised tanks is a big boost to morale wink.gif

Personally I think 25% is the ultimate danger point for morale. Anything below that and you are risking complete and total surrender whilst at around 25% you will see any and all of your isolated units beginning to surrender easily.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest L Tankersley

Sure, understand. My guys surrendered. I'm just saying that, with US morale low and with their losses so high, even though the Germans surrendered I didn't expect such a high level of victory for the US. They basically had an entire company cut to ribbons. I don't mind them winning, I just take issue with the victory level. Gotta maintain dignity, after all! wink.gif

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Well Leland these small scenarios are usually either total losses or total wins.

Big scenarios are different however. VERY different wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Just currious has anyone else gotten a DRAW? My second game that I played I got a DRAW. I haven't heard anyone else talk about one, so maybe I am the lucky one smile.gif. Now if I could only win a game. Love the game, never said that I was that good at it smile.gif.

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