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I seem to recall that somewhere you mentioned that the game is coded in C. I'm just now taking my first C course and one of the strengths of the language they mentioned is the portability of the code to different platforms and O/S's. Is this what allows the easy interchange between MAC and PC for CM???


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest Big Time Software

CM is written in C++, and the object-oriented nature of that language helps a lot in making CM transparently cross-platform.

You can do the same sort of thing in C, but it takes more effort.


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As a potential future game programmer (mostly in my dreams) I'm curious how much effort has gone into CM so far??? I seem to recall that you are doing most of the programming and Steve and a graphic artist are also helping out with various aspects of making the actual game as well. I would imagine that all told you guys have several thousand hours in this project already. How many total programming/development hours (coding, research, etc.) do you estimate will have gone into this game by the time it goes gold????


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest Big Time Software

Basically correct. I would say, to date, that very roughly 13,000 hours have gone into the core of CM. Probably another 1000 or so for work that other people have done for it (art, 3D models, etc.). This translates into roughly 4 man years for the core work. Yes, that is a whole lot of time.

But this is a misleading figure. It is way too low. You also have to factor in several years of game making experience per person (Charles and I each have about 6yrs) to arrive at the total time required to make a game like CM. Answer then is about 12 man years for CM, give or take a year or two smile.gif

How long would it take an inexperienced team to do CM? The answer is most likely NEVER. Such a team would probably never finish if it were their first project. Don't believe me? Look at how many games are out there of CM quality (we think none, but work with us here smile.gif), and then look at how long those developers have been in this biz. Developers like Atomic, Grigsby, Koger, SSG, etc. have been doing wargames LONG before EITHER Charles or me.

This is not meant to dash all hopes of making great wargames. Charles and all other developers had to start at somepoint. Through skill and talent, plus teaming up with other experience people, you can make great games from the start. But just make sure you set your sights for something that isn't too ambitious. I have seen this ignored before and the games either die before completion or turn out with huge problems.

Uhm, there you go smile.gif


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