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System Reqs for COMBAT MISSION

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I am very excited about CM, and I have read the sys reqs, but are these sys reqs a "minimum"? I have had games where the minimum listed was not able to run the game worth a darn. I have a 200MMX with 64 megs of RAM, and a Matrox Mystique card with 4 megs on board. Do you think this will run the game well? I may get some more RAM, but any other upgrades are not in the picture financially right now.

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Kevin,

Your system fits the minimum requirements. The good thing about CM is that it is playable, and enjoyable, even at very low framerates. However, your system should go at a decent clip, so no worries.

If you were to upgrade anything, it would be the video card. For about $100 you can get a MUCH better one. What you have is a 1st generation card, and it is not only much slower, but has a paltry 4MB of VRAM. We do support the 4MB cards, but there is a HUGE difference in graphics quality if you go up to 8MB. We would recomend that people not buy cards with less than 16MB 'cause 32MB is already becoming standard for some games.


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