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I've become extreamley frustrated over 2 days trying to figure out this thing. I'm trying to install mods for CMBO and use CMMOS. I downloaded the 4 rulesets which give me the tabs at the top of the program but I am totally confused as to where the mod files I download go. Reading the help file I'm guessing the *.bmp files go in my CMBO bmp directory and sounds go in the wav directory etc. There are other files like text files with info that I have no idea where they should go and I guess this is part of the problem. I need a very step by step guide like I'm retarded to guide me through coz I'm having no luck experimenting.

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now download ALL rulesets for CMMOS/CMBO and install them. Make sure you use the ones at CM Mod Database. Then in the configure tab switch from rulesets to mods and start installing.

Close and check out the rulesets, you will find mod icons. Click on them and you will be offered a menu that might include some options.

There are also advanced rules at the bottom at times. Click on these first and select which advanced rule, install, then on the matching rule at the top and install a second time for the mod to be totally installed


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Ok presently I have the 4 rulesets from Combatmission HQ. Are there others? I have not been able to find them on the CM Mod Database (I find that site not too clear on how to find things) Please let me know if there are others to get besides the 4 (Germ Vehicles, Allied Vehicles, Misc, & Terrain)

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The new CMMOS for CMBO is completely different from what was at CMHQ. Get right of it. You will need CMMOS 4.05a from CM Mod Database and the rulesets stored there as well.

The old CMMOS mods at CMHQ were written using rules for CMMOS4.03 and they work differently.

There are new rulesets, new mods, including all the theater conversion mods.


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