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Force selection

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I may have missed it, but how are forces selected?

Is there a points system?

If I am creating a player vs the Computer scenario can I get the computer to select its own forces (and place them on the map)?

Given the type of engagement, points (or whatever) etc?

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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, units have points. There are no purchase restrictions when making a sceanrio. When making a Design Your Own game (DYO) the computer can buy its own froces and deploy them. There are settings to determine how much "cash" is available via (I think) battle size and composition settings. This stuff hasn't been finalized and I have only looked at the work in progress once (map generation is cool!).


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Thanks for the prompt reply.

On the topic of Maps etc. I had a idea.

For campaigns it would be nice to be able to create a really big map, with the features like forests, roads, rivers, etc then select an area for the battle to take place and the map maker would create the map on the features from the 'campaign map'.

I don’t really expect this to be in but thought i would put my 1 cent (that’s 2c in NZ$) in.

Please feel free to ignore this message if reading it slows down production.


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Guest Big Time Software

Already in there smile.gif

The campaign map can be large or small, wide or narrow. Each battle takes a slice of the campaign map (or the whole thing if small) and allows you to fight dynamically on it. You "advance/retreat" in relation to how well you did in during the previous battle. This is done on a 20m by 20m basis. So one battle you might only advance a wee bit, another by a whole lot. Forces that remain in playable areas will be there at the beginning of the next battle, though there are some rules for changing positions.

There is more info form many moons ago. Do a search of this BBS and you should come up with lots of stuff to read smile.gif


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Hey wingnut nice to see a fellow kiwi interested in this game,i have already ordered x2 copies one for me and a mate of mine hey maybe when this game gets to us we could lock horns.Im an ex NZ army infantryman (section commander) and after studying martin and fion game they are have and from what ive read i really think we have something we can sink our teeth into here,really looking forward to it,just one question for steve though i wonder if this is playable over direct modem no prob really if not but just could not see it in the spec's



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Guest Big Time Software

Now the Kiwis make their presence known smile.gif

Sorry, no head to head modem play. Just one too many features for us to do. Plus, there is no real way to make it x-platformable, which goes against the rest of the game features.


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Hey thats no worries mate id have to kill wingnut the slow and more enjoyable way by pbm then i could take all the time in the world to sit and watch and rewatch all the killing ill be doing from evrypossible angle hehehehehe :)

hey wingnut? Auckland here..

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Guest Big Time Software

Max campaign size is 18 sq. KM. The largest single dimension is 6000m I think. This should be big enough, but we shall see. I forget the size of a single game map, but a largish one would be about 3000m deep by 1000m wide.


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