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Painfull Friendly Fire Episode! OUCH!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Ok, since I have been playing the Demo non-stop since it was released (about 5 minutes after it was released in fact! I love my Cable Modem smile.gif ) I have had a few experiences of taking some Blue on Blue casulties due to errant mortar and Artillery fire but never noticed any direct fire occurances. As of last night that has changed, and boy oh boy did it hurt.


'Last Defense' playing as the Germans...

The attack had been going better even than planned. I have been playing around with a variety of different approaches as the initial novelty of the 2 scenarios has waned slightly. This particular Autumn evening found me attacking with Mechanized troops (with 1 StuG for fire support) on the Left flank and the rest of my infantry doing an 'end run' along the Right Flank through the woods. Up the center rumbled my Tiger and the remaining StuG, each with some hanger-ons in the form of my Company HQ (more on him later wink.gif and a 81mm Spotter.

Skip ahead to around turn 7 or 8 and here is the scene. The American front defense line had been shattered (lucky 105 round set the large corner wood building on fire and toasted at least 1 squad and Bazooka ambush!) and I was advancing with armor and troops deep into the center of the village. I had one StuG just in front of the road/dirt path intersection, pouring fire into the remaining American MG positions in the last row of buildings. Up the road comes my Tiger blazing away with co-ax and bow MG's. I plotted the Tiger to move ahead and stop just short of the town proper, approx. adjacent to the low stone wall. The StuG was tossing HE rounds into the last of the Wood Buildings. All was good and the Hellcats were still a turn or two away.

"Ahhh...Victory is a joy best savored on the field of battle", mused my Company Commander Weber from his perch on the StuG. Just then the Tiger began its hunt forward and began to spray rounds into the heart of the town. I watched as the Tiger let loose a long stream of tracer fire into a small house just to the front and caddy-corner from the StuG. To my horror I watched the bullet stream continue, unabated as the Tiger passed behind the StuG carrying the HQ group on its back. Prang Ping Pang Ping Ping!!!! NOOOO!!!!! The machinegun rounds were angered by their inneffectiveness against the StuGs hardened exterior and they sought revenge. They found it in the soft pink flesh of the Command Staff scurrying about outside the vehicle. In one concentrated burst of fire the command group was ripped to shreds! 4 out of 5 men were cut in half in that one brief blunder! The last survivor, stumbled off the vehicle and collapsed into a pile of rubble beside the blood splattered Assualt Gun. Shaken and Stunned he was to remain in that pile of debris for the remainder of the battle.

To date, that was the fastest and greatest lose of life I have ever seen in CM due to incoming fire (not including tank Brew-Ups. 80% casualties in the blink of an eye! I am sure others have seen greater infantry kills during the entire length of a turn but to see 4 kills in about 1/2 a second is just incredible!

In that one brief moment, CM again wowed me and gained my deep respect and appreciation all over again. In fact, it answered two questions at once:

1) Is Friendly Fire taken into account? OH yes it is!


2) Can a unit take more than 3 kills at once? (Only asked cause I had never seen it happen!) Sure can!

BTS, my hat is again off to you!

Madmatt out...

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-08-99).]

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I've seen 9 US infantry go down in a split second from one SMG squad's fire.

The worst ever bloodbath was in last defence where 130+ US and German soldiers died in just under 2 minutes in a 20 metre x 40 metre area.

That's quite literally a carpet of bodies wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Madmatt

OH NO!! Not this thread again!!! Steve! Shut this down!! hehehehe smile.gif



Madmatt out.... and taking cover!

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Guest Madmatt

You know.... (Hey Madmatt! Put down that can of lighter fluid!!!) bodies WOULD look kinda cool! Hehehehheeee <maniacal laughter> biggrin.gif

Madmatt out...for the 3 count!

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