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The Demo - a verdict.

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I have to admit that, anxious as I was to get hold of the demo, I was also a tad worried that all would not be well.

Would it download?

Would the download work?

And the million dollar question; would it be anywhere near as good as it was being hyped-up to be? How many 'this is the "best","most realistic" etc. etc' wargames have I played in the past; that have all somehow fallen well short of the mark. Was this destined to be another dissapointment?

Well, to keep it short.

Yes it did download.

Yes it worked.

And.... it's bloody OUTSTANDING.

I take my hat of to you boys; you've done a superb job. As we say in Merrie England, the dogs-b.....ks!

The graphics, for a serious tactical war game, are excellent; better than I thought they would be.

The sound was a suprise bonus! Realistic and dynamic.

Gameplay; spot-on. The whole FoW, uncertainty factor feeling is truly excellent. I constantly heard myself saying things like; "where the hell did that come from?" and "what on earth was that?" and various other unprintable expletives.

The whole experience really came alive for me.

I,m not much cop with real-time stuff and was a bit worried that the camera-angle stuff was going to be a major problem. Nah! piece of cake. Again much better and easier than I'd imagined.

Although I had originall intended to kick-off by testing the strength of the AI, my first game was actually played against my fourteen year old son, who has no knowledge of, and even less interest in, wargames (more of a Quake, Kingpin type)

After five turns, he was avidly demonstrating the features of the game to my wife and proclaiming how he was going to beat his dad!

So, not only have you made an old wargaming soldier very happy in producing the game he has always dreamed about (and more)but you have a new convert, a real new newbie.

I think that this really does presage the advent of a new war-gaming era and hope that you get the commercial success that you deserve from your hard work and dedication.

In which case you'll be able to carry on the good fight and produce even more (smiley face - can anyone explain how to do those, please)

A quick note here to acknowledge the hard work and enthusiasm of Fionn and Martin, without which this post probably wouldn't have been written.

I had originally pretty much dismissed CM as a 'first-person' rip-off with WW2 background, but reading their early posts kept me mildly interested. The AARs and Fionns obvious fascination with CM (given his wargaming background etc.) turned it around and the rest is history.

Eagerly awaiting my pre-ordered copy (and CM2, 3 and on)



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Yep, I agree Jim, CM is the finest tactical WWII wargame

ever (by far). You make smiley's by typing a colon : ,

then a right parentheses ) . And a wink is done by using

a semicolon ; instead of the colon. Simple and intuitive.

Hope that helps. smile.gif

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