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Swapping waves

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Im not interested in doing any editing to any unit data but I am interested in swapping out some of the sound waves for others I have. I have a SOund Blaster Live sound card but I am not getting enuff variations in weapons, sounds etc and the voices are muffled somewhat. I have attempted direct swapping and also I have gone into a wave studio to duplicate file length exactly, yet I cannot get the sounds to play is there someone that can help me?


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Simply name the Wav files you are importing to follow the Wav file naming sequence in the game.

Identify which Wav files are the gun noises for example. then replace the rifle one with the rifle one you want but make sure you have the name right.




Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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HI Fionn thats for responding.

I think what you are suggesting is what I've tried. For Example I have tried two different wave files one for a 50 cal and one for a MG42; I have literally replaced nearly everywave file trying to make sure that I a matching the Sound wanted to a unit. For some reason I can never hear the new wav - it seems to continue to play the old sounds which is why I took them into a wav editing studio to change the new waves to make sure the files matched in size as well as name. I do have two installs of the game but in seperate directories as I didnt want to tamper with one I was using, I very much doubt it but could this have any bearing on it? Help


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Guest Madmatt


Hmmm, that should have worked. I have several 'custom' sound files now and they play just fine. Make sure that you are putting the files in the WAV directory. CM is pretty good about the length and size of the files so you shouldn't of had to go to the extreme you went to make them the same length and size ,it helps but not 100% neccesary although if they are too long they will play over the top of each other!

You said you had two different installs of CM, the only thing I could think of us that for whatever reason you are running CM through the 'clean' install and not the modified. I would suggest double checking the shortcut or just run CM right from its executable in the 'modified' directoty!

Hope that helps!

Madmatt out...WATCH the web. My first CM fan page is coming soon!

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Guest PeterNZ

one thing

might be similar to FreeSpace Editor where it required a name and sound recording format to follow a procedure.

Open the existing files and you'll see they're all 44hz 16bit mono

make sure the files you replace are the same format and it should go sweet as?

when you're done, make a sounds pack for us all to download! I'll help if you like smile.gif


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